Healthy Michigan Dental is a

DENCAP Dental Plans Company

Customer Service Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm

Phone: (313)-875-2400

Fax: (313) 922-5790

Find a Dentist

Select your Health Plan below to begin searching for dentists in network.

Priority Health Insurance Plan
Priority Health Insurance Plan

Please note: In order for your dental services to be covered, you must obtain treatment from a dentist that participates with your Plan.

The dentists listed in the directory for your Plan may not participate at each office location listed. It is important that you ask your prospective dentist if he/she participates with your Plan at the office location where you wish to be treated.

Provider information is updated as we receive new information from participating dentists and can change at any time. While we make every effort to ensure the information listed is correct, neither Healthy Michigan Dental nor any of its licensees shall be liable for any losses, damages, nor uncovered charges as a result of using the provider locator website or receiving care from a provider listed in this website.